Wynnie Sy
September 19, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide to Talking with Your Health Care agent About Your Wishes

Appointing a health care agent is an essential step in ensuring your medical wishes are followed in the event that you're unable to make decisions for yourself. However, choosing a agent is only the first part of the process. The next crucial step is having a thorough conversation with your agent to ensure they fully understand your preferences and values. This guide will help you walk through that conversation and equip your agent with the information they need to advocate for you confidently.

Why Conversations with Your Health Care Agent are Important

While legal documents like advance directives or living wills are important, they may not cover every possible scenario or provide all the details your agent needs. A conversation allows your health care agent to get a deeper understanding of your personal values and preferences for situations that may not be explicitly addressed in writing. This conversation ensures that they’ll be able to act in your best interest and make decisions that align with your wishes when the time comes.

Step 1: Set the Right Time and Place

Talking about end-of-life care and medical preferences can be emotionally charged. It’s important to choose a time and place where you both feel comfortable and won’t be interrupted. This is a conversation that may take time and possibly more than one discussion. Be patient with yourself and your agent as you work through these topics.

  • Choose a quiet, private setting where you can focus.
  • Let your agent know in advance that you want to have this conversation so they can prepare emotionally and mentally.
  • Set aside enough time to cover the necessary topics without feeling rushed.

Step 2: Start with Your Values

Begin by discussing your values around health care and life in general. This sets the foundation for the more specific medical decisions you’ll address later. Your agent will be better equipped to make decisions on your behalf if they understand your broader values.

Questions to guide the conversation:
  • What does quality of life mean to you?
  • Are there activities or experiences that are most important for you to maintain?
  • What fears or concerns do you have about medical treatment or hospitalization?
  • How do you feel about pain management, palliative care, or hospice?

By discussing your values, you give your agent insight into how they should approach situations that may not be directly addressed in your advance directive.

Step 3: Address Specific Medical Preferences

Once you've discussed your values, it's time to get into the specifics of medical treatments and interventions. This part of the conversation will guide your agent if decisions need to be made in the midst of a health crisis. Be as clear as possible about your preferences for certain treatments and scenarios.

Consider these medical situations:
  • Do you want to be resuscitated if your heart stops?
  • How do you feel about being placed on a ventilator if you cannot breathe on your own?
  • Would you want a feeding tube if you’re unable to eat?
  • In the event of a terminal illness, when would you prefer to shift from curative treatment to comfort care?

It’s helpful to explain not only what treatments you would or wouldn’t want but also why you feel that way. This gives your agent the context they need to make decisions on your behalf, even in unexpected situations.

Step 4: Discuss Advance Directives and Legal Documents

Ensure your agent knows about any legal documents you have in place, such as a living will, advance directive, or Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order. Review these documents together so your agent understands their contents and can use them as a guide when the time comes.

Key points to discuss:
  • Where the documents are located.
  • Any specific instructions in the documents that may not have been covered in your conversation.
  • Whether your agent is comfortable following the instructions laid out in these documents.

This conversation will ensure your agent knows how to access the necessary paperwork and can follow your documented wishes.

Step 5: Revisit the Conversation as Needed

Your preferences may change over time, especially if your health condition evolves. It’s important to revisit these conversations periodically to ensure your agent is up-to-date with your wishes. Whenever your values or preferences shift, update your legal documents and inform your agent of any changes.

When to revisit the conversation:
  • After a major life event or diagnosis.
  • If you update your advance directive or living will.
  • Whenever you feel your priorities or preferences have shifted.

Keeping the lines of communication open ensures that your agent remains informed and can continue to advocate effectively for your health care decisions.


Talking with your health care agent about your medical wishes is a vital step in ensuring your preferences are respected in the event you cannot make decisions for yourself. By discussing your values, specific treatments, and legal documents, you equip your agent with the tools they need to confidently advocate for you. Remember that this conversation is ongoing, and revisiting it as your health or values change is key to maintaining alignment with your wishes. Having this conversation now can provide peace of mind for both you and your agent, knowing that your health care decisions will be handled with care and respect.