Empowering Legal Advocacy
for Every Identity.

We strive to explain the most complex legal issues in an easy to understand manner.

“You will not find a better and more genuine attorney anywhere. She brings class, honesty, and transparency to this profession and she truly cares for her clients.”

Thomas B.

“Throughout our professional relationship, Allison has consistently provided personalized service that is second to none.”

Ashley S.


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Fact: Members of the LGBTQ+ community are less likely to seek out estate planning than heterosexuals.

A Word from Our Founder:

At our firm, your story and identity shape the heart of our mission. You deserve a legal partner who not only understands but celebrates the full spectrum of diversity you bring to the table. As a member of the LGBTQ community, as someone living with a disability, or as a first-generation immigrant, you'll find not just services, but recognition and respect here. It’s about your family’s future – by protecting your small business or ensuring your health directives and legacy are as you wish. Your entrepreneurial spirit drives our commitment; when you strive to innovate, we’re in your corner, championing your vision with passion and integrity. Our dedication to inclusivity means your voice is not only heard but is also integral to our collaborative success. We are united in the belief that when you are empowered, our entire community thrives.

Allison Harrison, Founder

Meet Our Team

With a diverse blend of backgrounds, skills, and expertise, our team comes together to offer customized solutions suited to your needs.

You Ask, We Answer

Take a look at our educational blog posts, easy to digest videos and downloadable guides to learn more about legal procedures, recent case studies, and expert insights in various areas of law.

Top 5 Issues With Wills

Top 5 Issues With Trust

What Is a Release, and How Can I Qualify?

What Is A Trust? Do I Need One?

What Transgender Individuals Need To Know About Estate Planning

What Is a Fiduciary’s Bond, and How Much Do You Need as an Executor or Administrator?

What To Do When Your Parent Dies Without A Trust

Receipts! Proof! Timeline! Screenshots! F*cking Everything!

How the Ohio Spousal Elective Share Rule Protects a Surviving Spouse

Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and the Lawsuit That Could Shape Free Speech

What Happens if Obergefell is Overturned?

Beyond Marriage: Estate Planning Essentials for LGBTQ+ Couples in an Uncertain Future

How Estate Planning Safeguards Your Assets

How Does Estate Planning Preserve Marriage Rights?

Trans Rights Under Threat: How Ohio’s Trans Community Can Prepare for a Second Trump Term

Trump 2.0 Contingency Plans for Same-Sex Families During Project 2025

How to Exit Your Business: Top Strategies for a Smooth Transition

Starting a Business in Ohio: A Step-by-Step Guide

Avoid These 5 Mistakes When Drafting Your Will

What is a Declaratory Judgment?

Chosen Family First: Redefining Family in LGBTQ+ Estate Planning

What are the Major Regulatory Changes for Ohio Auto Dealers in 2024?

What’s the difference between a Living Will and a Healthcare Power of Attorney?

How to Choose the Right Health Care Agent: 5 Important Qualities to Look For

What the Heck is an Estate Plan?

Why Race, Identity, and Sexuality Matter in Your Estate Plan

Sustainability and Estate Planning: Eco-Friendly Burial Options

Can a Trust Be Contested?

Funeral Pre-Planning for LGBTQ+ Individuals: Ensuring Your Identity and Wishes Are Honored

What to Include in Your ‘In Case of Emergency’ Folder

What’s an Estate Account and How Can I Open One?

When to Say No: Why Being a Health Care Agent Might Not Be Right for You

How Long Will Probate Take?

What to Expect at the Ohio Motor Vehicle Dealer Board Hearing

Step-by-Step Guide to Talking with Your Health Care agent About Your Wishes

Key Traits of a Successful Executor in Estate Planning

What to Bring to an Estate Planning Meeting?

Estate Planning for LGBTQ Couples: Navigating Unique Challenges

What Questions Should I Ask My Estate Planning Attorney?

Resources Available for Minority Business Owners

Inheriting a Mess: What Happens When You Don't Plan

How Hiring an Attorney Benefits Your Small Business

Understanding Per Stirpes and Per Capita in Estate Planning

How Lenders and Businesses That Accept Credit Cards Can Protect Themselves from Fraudsters

How to Avoid Probate in Ohio

How to Remove a Business Partner: Addressing Disputes Between Members of LLCs

What are the Key Estate Planning Considerations for Ohio Business Owners?

What to Do When Your Private Photos Are Shared Publicly?

What is the Differences Between Guardianship and Power of Attorney?

How do I prevent piercing the corporate veil?

Preventing Sextortion: Empowering Individuals and Families

What is Arbitration? Why am I here?

I want a protection order, what can I do?

When Can I Tell a Judge My Side of the Story?

What Do I Look for in a Commercial Lease?

What Do I Do After My Parent Dies, Without a Will?

What is an Operating Agreement and does my LLC need one?

A Guide for Ohio Residents: Are Estate Planning Fees Tax Deductible?

What are Capital Accounts for an LLC?

I have divorced and remarried; do I need to update my will?

Understanding the Durable Financial Power of Attorney

Do I Need a Healthcare Power of Attorney?

How to Revive Your Idle LLC for a New Business Concept

Is It Too Late to Probate an Estate After 10 Years?

Estate Planning for Queer Couples

Does settling a lawsuit admit I am wrong?

Starting a Business: Essential Steps and Legal Structures You Need to Know

Why do I want to avoid Probate?

What is a Motion for Default Judgement?

What is Probate?

Three is Not a Crowd: Estate Planning for Throuples

Are Oral Contracts Enforceable?

Understanding Beneficiary Designations for Estate Planning in Ohio

Navigating Estate Challenges: Solutions When No One Can Serve as Executor

Why is Estate Planning the Ultimate Adulting Move?

What are the Dos and Don'ts of Including Your Pet in Your Estate Plan?

Should I Wait Until After My Epic Vacation to Do My Estate Plan?

Understanding the Timeline of Litigation in Ohio: A Detailed Guide

Decoding Legal Summons: Your Essential Guide to Understanding and Responding

Navigating Legal Waters: A Comprehensive Guide to Responding to Subpoenas

Navigating Your Online Afterlife: A Guide to Digital Estate Management

Is the Dealer Doc Fee Taxable?

Empowering Identity: A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your Gender Marker in Ohio

Navigating the Maze of Litigation: Mastering Discovery in Ohio Lawsuits

Expert Guide to Avoiding Probate and Protecting Assets in Ohio

How Do I Pick an Attorney?

Exploring Trusts: Is It the Right Estate Planning Tool for You?

Do I Need a Will if I Am Single?

Do You Need the Same Attorney to Update Your Will or Trust?

Executor vs. Executrix: Understanding Your Role in Estate Planning

Do I have to use the same attorney to update my will that drafted it?

How much does a will cost?

How much does an Ohio attorney cost?

What Happens to a POA After Death?

What happens if someone passes away and only has one asset?

What is a deposition?

Why I Love Estate Planning

How does estate planning differ for the LGBTQ community

What is an Executor?

What Happens to Your Assets in Ohio if You Die Without a Will